Commercial Roof Restoration – Ironton, OH

Commercial Roof Coating Ironton OH

No matter what type of roof is on your commercial building, a restoration will help extend its lifespan and make it easier to maintain. A roof restoration refers to the application of a state-of-the-art roof coating. Therefore, you need access to a trustworthy roofing company. At Cosam Contracting, we are proud of our renowned roofing specialists, who are capable of completing all kinds of commercial roof restoration projects. It is an honor for us to be able to keep serving our neighbors in Ironton, OH. Get in touch with Cosam Contracting today at (419) 492-2201, and let us help you restore your commercial roof.

Quick Response Time

Regardless of the roofing problem at hand, whether it is some nail pops, a leak, or gutter damage, a timely response is crucial. If you wait too long, the problem can cause more damage and expensive repairs in the future.

If you feel your commercial roof is not performing up to expectations, contact Cosam Contracting immediately. We are known across the state of Ohio for our quick response time. We guarantee you that our top-class roofing crew will arrive at your commercial building, perform a quick inspection, and then begin suggesting answers!

Value of a Commercial Roof Restoration

Commercial Roof Restoration2

Money is usually the most important factor when commercial building owners make decisions regarding their roof.

A commercial roof restoration will extend the life of your existing system, delaying the need for a costly, and time-consuming, replacement. It improves waterproofing, increasing protection and will reduce your utility costs.  Some restoration materials are able to reflect up to 85% of solar heat away from your building. This also reduces the burden on your HVAC system.

When you contact the team at Cosam Contracting, we will begin by conducting a detailed inspection of your roof. According to the results of this inspection and the particular needs of your roof, we will provide you with a free-of-cost estimate.

Throughout your roofing project, we make sure to use premium roofing materials. In addition, our experienced technicians provide impeccable workmanship and keep you informed throughout the project. We make sure to address all your questions, so you are fully aware of what is happening.

Give Us a Call Today!

The fully trained and insured roofers of Cosam Contracting always strive to find the best solutions for your roofing problems. Roof restoration could be the solution for you!

If your commercial building is located in Ironton, OH, contact the team at Cosam Contracting today at (419) 492-2201. We will let you know all about our roof restoration options and suggest the right service for you! We look forward to partnering with you.